Answering Common Questions Asked of an Overland Park Kids Dentist


Kevin Schmiterson

What is the difference between pediatric dentistry and adult dentistry? Many people remember going to the family dentist as a child. That dentist was the same person who saw their parents and siblings. Today, pediatric dentists are much more common. Pediatric dentists work exclusively with children. They have special training in how to handle the dental needs of a child. They know how baby teeth emerge and how adult teeth begin to replace them. This specialty requires two extra years of training over what regular dentists have. An Overland Park kids\’ dentist has this extra training.

Why special training does an Overland Park kids dentist have? The residency required for pediatric dentistry is two year extra on top of the four years required for general dentistry. During the program, a student takes classes specific around pediatric dentistry. They also work in a clinical setting with patients of many ages. This practical experience gives them the expertise to go into private practice. This special training prepares the dentist to work with kids from infancy to adolescence.


When should you start taking the kids to an Overland Park kids\’ dentist? Most pediatric dentists recommend that they see an infant when the first tooth emerges. Others say no later than the first birthday. This helps the dentist to start educating the parent in proper oral hygiene for the child. It also gives the baby a positive experience at the dentist. All of these help to prepare the child for regular dental visits. The recommended space is every six months. However, a pediatric dentist may recommend another time line for some children.

What should a parent do before visiting an Overland Park kids\’ dentist? Before going to the dentist, the parents of the child should start preparing the child for the visit. On a first visit, the child can be quite overwhelmed. Making the dentist visit sound fun is a good way to approach the situation. From the time a baby is born, the parents need to use a soft wash cloth to clean gums. As teeth begin to emerge, the first visit to the dentist is needed.

What else do you need to know? A pediatric dentist is someone who can become an advocate for your child\’s dental health. The pediatric dentist spends a great deal of time helping children become comfortable with the dental setting. The dentist also spends time to educate the parents in helping their children form positive dental habits from a young age.

What should a parent do before visiting an

Overland Park kids dentist

? Before going to the dentist, the parents of the child should start preparing the child for the visit.

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